Be aligned with common objectives and aspects such as: coordination, well- supported decisions.

by Sam
(Foshan, Guangdong, China)

A good teamwork offers great advantages such as stress and anxiety are minimized compared to that suffered by the person who works individually. This is because the responsibilities and difficulties are shared.

It is a learning opportunity as knowledge and experiences are shared. One of the aspects that must be worked on in detail and well organized is coordination, since the leadership role must fall to a figure with an open vision who knows how to listen to opinions, who has decision-making capacity, and who pursues objectives clear and well established.

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Mar 17, 2022
We agree.
by: InArtifexYou Team

Hello Sam! Thanks for your comment. We agree, teamwork and continuous improvement provide a path to lessen stress and anxiety in the workplace. We consider stress and anxiety "waste" that we need to eliminate to keep our processes Lean. A teamwork mentality, that goes from the upper levels of management to the floor, creates a culture of improvement. It is by all and for all.

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