Incredible service

Importance of incredible service

The importance of a "categoric”: Incredible service. Is important to offer good customer service?

The answer: Of course!

Service is the activity or activities that satisfy the needs or desires of consumers / customers with respect to one or more products.

According to the series of ISO 9000 standards, “service is the result of carry out at least one activity in the supplier- customer interface. Customer service is important because it can make a difference in your business. It may be the reason why a customer leans towards you, or towards your competitors.

Various studies have revealed over the years that more than half of consumers switch to competitors due to poor customer service. In addition, this trend is accompanied by negative sentiment towards companies as customers claim that they could have done more to prevent this change. Therefore, when establishing a customer service strategy, it is necessary to think twice to avoid uncomfortable situations between consumer and supplier.

The services can be measured through a variety of tools, both in the implementation of qualitative, quantitative, or mixed information.

Marketing tools can be used to know the customer experience, measure the quality of these such as Servqual, benchmarking, focus groups, customer interviews, surveys, and obtain information to understand the voice of the customer. At the same time, statistical tools can be used to know relevant information such as arrival rate, level of efficiency, effectiveness in the service, among others, in order to capture the current scenario in which we find ourselves and be able to orient said information to a better quality towards the client.

Measure quality of customer service

Some advantages of Measuring the Quality of Customer Service:

Making use of any of the tools to measure the quality of service has great benefits for an organization like:

  • Stay ahead of the competition: Companies that succeed in a competitive market are those that make customer service a key element of their business strategy. Collecting customer feedback also helps identify differentiation opportunities to further stimulate service.
  • Reduce customer churn: Knowing what customer service satisfaction levels are will help you implement the processes and tactics to improve the overall quality of customer service.
  • Increase the lifetime value of the customer: Customer satisfaction plays an important role in the amount of income that is generated in your business during the period of your relationship. This is known as the customer's lifetime value.
  • Be more profitable to retain customers: This is probably the most important customer service statistic. It is more strategic to acquire new clients than to retain existing clients, so you have to work to not lose them.

Lean and Six Sigma tools are ideal for understanding the flow and processes to reach the customer to improve service. Having advanced lean expert training, you can apply this and other elements with added value for the customer and the most effective result for the organization.

Lean service is the application of the lean philosophy in the field of services with the purpose of reducing processes, modifying material and information flows to increase work time that adds value, making them more agile and with lower cost for customers, with in order to impact the expression: "Incredible service", issued by the customer.

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